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Bike MS: Sanford Health Pedal the Plains fundraising club members

Thank you to the Bike MS: Sanford Health Pedal the Plains 2013 participants who generously waived or donated their prizes back to the National MS Society to even further their support in the movement to end multiple sclerosis.

Sue Christensen
Julie Clay
Jeanne Clites
Ashley Converse
Denita Dinger

Paul Farr
Jan Feterl
Mark Finck
Randy Hoiland
Megan Konz

Kathy Lambertz
Gordon Little
Jana Muir
Jim Muir
Jeff Sikkink


VIP Club
Thank you to Bike MS: Sanford Health Pedal the Plains 2013 participants who raised $3,000 or more.

Kevin Brady
Dave Johnson

Terry Keszler
Scott Rysdon


Golden Gears
Thank you to Bike MS: Sanford Health Pedal the Plains 2013 who raised $1,000 or more.

Brenda Bergum
Keith Bergum
Mark Biggins
Sue Christensen
Jeanne Clites
Alex Delzer
Julie Dlouhy
Kathy Duncan
Jan Feterl

Jessica Fickbohm
Mark Finck
Wayne Gallipo
Annika Hindbjorgen
Tyler Husby
Mark Ideker
Peggy Johnson
Brett Ketcham
Megan Konz

Justin Kuhns
Doug Moeller
Amy Molenda
Jim Muir
Lacey Rentschler
Jacob Stenzel
Kevin Stenzel


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